Construction workers in the midst of building a building

Site Development

A wrapped package with ribbon, scissors, and decorative plants nearby

Content Wrappers

Stealing stuff like a great artist...uh-huh

February 1, 2022

A stylish man wearing glasses on a cell phone

Finish Global Styles

With some content comes great deficiencies

January 27, 2022

A massive library of books with stairs all over. There are nice sitting areas to read on.


The trials and tribulations of configuring for content

January 18, 2022

Cover a book titled THE FIELD GUIDE TO TYPOGRAPHY - TYPEFACES IN THE URBAN LANDSCAPE. There are binoculars on the cover. To the right, is a box letters.

Google Fonts

Configuring Google Fonts and selecting which fonts to use

January 14, 2022

Chain link fence with yellow flowers growing on it.

External Links

Style external links and make them behave consistently

February 19, 2021

Stylish woman with multi-colored braids against a green forest background

Global Styles I

Pick and choose from Gatsby's layout.css

February 8, 2021

Built with Gatsby from 2020 thru 2024 (and beyond?!)