Cover a book titled THE FIELD GUIDE TO TYPOGRAPHY - TYPEFACES IN THE URBAN LANDSCAPE. There are binoculars on the cover. To the right, is a box letters.

Google Fonts

This implementation happened in Gatsby 2 days. At the moment, the site is still in Gatsby 2. It is also using the original gatsby-plugin-google-fonts method and not the Google Fonts v2 API.

Configuring Google Fonts

Install the Gatsby plugin for Google Fonts

1npm install gatsby-plugin-google-fonts

Configure the plugin

1module.exports = {
2 plugins: [
3 {
4 resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-fonts`,
5 options: {
6 fonts: [
7 `limelight`, // specify a font
8 `source sans pro\:300,400,400i,700`, // specify font weights and styles
9 ],
10 display: 'swap', // uses other fonts while Google Fonts load. Recommended.
11 },
12 },
13 ],

Initial Ideas

My original ideas, based on just seeing what others were using and looking at a few fonts were:

  • Body/Main: Lato
  • Headers: Francois One
  • Mono Font: Fira Code (I do like the ligatures!)

Choices for mono were: Roboto Mono, Fira Code, Fira Mono Choices for header were: Karl, Francois One, or Neuton

Trying them out

Francois One has only one style it looks bold. So, really only for headers without a choice of being different. Should be fine.

For Lato, which weights would I require? lato\:400,400i,600,600i,700,700i

  • Regular (400)
  • Regular Italic (400i)
  • Semi-bold (600)
  • Semi-bold Italic (600i)
  • Bold (700)
  • Bold Italic (700i)

First Time?

This is the first time I ever saw these weights for fonts. Hence, I wrote them all out so I would remember them. I came across them later, and yes, I did remember them!

I don't like Francois One for the header. It has a something-something look. More so, I don't think Lato does it for me as a body text. Look at the "F" in Feliciano!

Text saying Hi All! and Welcome to KoaMar in 2020, home of Ken Feliciano

Trying Lato for Headers and Open Sans for body. This looks like a standard pairing in Google Fonts world for Lato. It looks much cleaner. Lato is good as a header. It matches the logo. Open Sans seems much more readable. Haven't tried code yet but hopefully Fira Code will look great with ligatures.

Text saying Hi All! and Welcome to KoaMar in 2020, home of Ken Feliciano

Final Decision

  • Body/Main: Open Sans
  • Headers: Lato
  • Mono Font: Fira Code

One final warning

Yes, I like ligatures. I hear, and even get, the argument for not using them but I think they just look nice and I feel happy seeing them.


Photo by Alexander Andrews (@alex_andrews) on Unsplash

Built with Gatsby from 2020 thru 2024 (and beyond?!)