Code Tests
Hello Code
Imported React Component
Live Code Example with title
Normal code block with language defined
1(function() {2
3var cache = {};4var form = $('form');5var minified = true;6
7var dependencies = {};8
9var treeURL = '';10var treePromise = new Promise(function(resolve) {11 $u.xhr({12 url: treeURL,13 callback: function(xhr) {14 if (xhr.status < 400) {15 resolve(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).tree);16 }17 }18 });19});
A code block with a title, JSDoc comment, short, and long comment
1/**2 * Get value out of string (e.g. rem => px)3 * If value is px strip the px part4 * If the input is already a number only return that value5 * @param {string | number} input6 * @param {number} [rootFontSize]7 * @return {number} Number without last three characters8 * @example removeLastThree('6rem') => 69 */10const getValue = (input, rootFontSize = 16) => {11 if (typeof input === `number`) {12 return input / rootFontSize13 }14
15 const isPxValue = input.slice(-2) === `px`16
17 if (isPxValue) {18 return parseFloat(input.slice(0, -2))19 }20
21 return parseFloat(input.slice(0, -3))22}23
24// This is a little helper function25const helper = (a, b) => a + b26
27// This is also a little helper function but this time with a really long one-line comment that should show some more details28const morehelper = (a, b) => a * b29
30export { getValue, helper, morehelper }
Normal block without language or anything else specified
1import Test from "../components/test"2
3const Layout = ({ children }) => (4 <Test>5 {children}6 </Test>7)8
9export default Layout
Code block with title and code highlighting
1import React from 'react'2
3const Post = ({ data: { post } }) => (4 <Layout>5 <Heading variant='h2' as='h2'>6 {post.title}7 </Heading>8 <p9 sx={{10 color: `secondary`,11 mt: 3,12 a: { color: `secondary` },13 fontSize: [1, 1, 2],14 }}15 >16 <span>{}</span>17 {post.tags && (18 <React.Fragment>19 {` — `}20 <ItemTags tags={post.tags} />21 </React.Fragment>22 )}23 </p>24 <section25 sx={{26 ...CodeStyles,27 my: 5,28 '.gatsby-resp-image-wrapper': { my: 5, boxShadow: `lg` },29 }}30 >31 <MDXRenderer>{post.body}</MDXRenderer>32 </section>33 </Layout>34)35
36export default Post
Code block without title or language
1Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Some GraphQL
1query SITE_INDEX_QUERY {2 allMdx(3 sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }4 filter: { frontmatter: { published: { eq: true } } }5 ) {6 nodes {7 id8 excerpt(pruneLength: 250)9 frontmatter {10 title11 date(formatString: "YYYY MMMM Do")12 }13 fields {14 slug15 }16 }17 }18}
An SVG of something...twitter?
1<svg xmlns="" fill="none" stroke="#607D8B" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-brand-twitter" viewBox="0 0 24 24">2 <defs/>3 <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/>4 <path d="M22 4.01c-1 .49-1.98.689-3 .99-1.121-1.265-2.783-1.335-4.38-.737S11.977 6.323 12 8v1c-3.245.083-6.135-1.395-8-4 0 0-4.182 7.433 4 11-1.872 1.247-3.739 2.088-6 2 3.308 1.803 6.913 2.423 10.034 1.517 3.58-1.04 6.522-3.723 7.651-7.742a13.84 13.84 0 00.497-3.753C20.18 7.773 21.692 5.25 22 4.009z"/>5</svg>
Ewww, XML (nah, good 'ol days)
1<Emp><name>Michael Hartstein</name><hiredate>2004-02-17</hiredate></Emp>2<Emp><name>Pat Fay</name><hiredate>2005-08-17</hiredate></Emp>3<Emp><name>Susan Mavris</name><hiredate>2002-06-07</hiredate></Emp>4<Emp><name>Hermann Baer</name><hiredate>2002-06-07</hiredate></Emp>5<Emp><name>Shelley Higgins</name><hiredate>2002-06-07</hiredate></Emp>6<Emp><name>William Gietz</name><hiredate>2002-06-07</hiredate></Emp>
MD works, mdx does not
1---2title: My Second Post! I'm liking this...3slug: my-second-post4date: 2020-09-025featureImage: ./mountain.jpg6excerpt: something excerptatious7---8
9# Hi there!10
11This is a blog page
How do you install this MDX again?
1npm install gatsby-plugin-mdx @mdx-js/mdx @mdx-js/react2npm install mdx-utils
Aww, some funding code
1github: [thomaswang]
Here's some JSON
1{2 "name": "gatsby-starter-hello-world",3 "private": true,4 "description": "Tutorial blog from Skillthrive's Build a Blog series",5 "version": "0.1.0",6 "license": "0BSD"7}
Code block without lineNumbers (but lang):
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Code block without lineNumbers (and without lang):
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Code block with only the title:
const scream = (input) => window.alert(input)
Code block with only the title but with lineNumbers:
1const scream = (input) => window.alert(input)
Line highlighting without code title:
1const test = 32const foo = 'bar'3const harry = 'potter'4const hermione = 'granger'5const ron = 'weasley'
Here will inline code
go, just inside the text. Wow!
Code block without line numbers but with highlighting, language, and title:
import React from 'react'
const Blog = ({ posts }: PostsProps) => { const { tagsPath, basePath } = useSiteMetadata()
return ( <Layout> <Flex sx={{ alignItems: `center`, justifyContent: `space-between` }}> <Heading variant='h2' as='h2'> Blog </Heading> <Styled.a as={Link} sx={{ variant: `links.secondary` }} to={`/${basePath}/${tagsPath}`.replace(/\/\/+/g, `/`)}> View all tags </Styled.a> </Flex> <Listing posts={posts} sx={{ mt: [4, 5] }} /> </Layout> )}
export default Blog
Exploration of diff and JavaScript. I would really like both! Currently, the prism-react-renderer
does not support syntax highlighting diff and JavaScript. There is a plugin for prism that will using diff-javascript
but plugins are currently not supported.
Just JavaScript
1function addTwoNumbers(num1, num2) {2 return 1 + 23}
Now the diff version
1function addTwoNumbers (num1, num2) {2- return 1 + 23+ return num1 + num24}
Hopefully, javascript + diff version. This looks good! But, errors abound in lots of circumstances. Cannot add diff to:
- JS Doc Example
- JSON Example
- Anything with highlighting (but that was expected)
1function addTwoNumbers (num1, num2) {2- return 1 + 23+ return num1 + num24}
Sometimes you search for a picture of code and get a computer screen, other times, something like this shows up. I'm not arguing! 🚀