Part of an ancient building with many columns making a curve

Two Column Layout on Large Screen

Initial Thoughts

I'm used to using Flexbox for everything. So, that is the road I went down. I could not seem to get what I wanted, which is this, using Tailwind CSS! Three post objects showing a picture, title, excerpt, and date and how it would look with two columns

Using Flexbox made it flexible but I wanted them equal too. I thought, well flex-basis would do the trick, but I didn't see that in Tailwind. It sure looked like a grid though, so, switched to using grid!


Created a very small styled component PostContainer to wrap up the portion of the page.

1import tw, { styled } from 'twin.macro'
3const PostContainer = styled.div(
4 tw`
5 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-2 lg:gap-x-4 lg:gap-y-2 lg:pb-4
6 `
10 { => (
11 <PostCard post={post} collection={collection} />
12 ))}

Something tells me I'll want to extract this PostContainer to a component. I imagine using it for featured items on the main page. [Note from the future: I haven't yet!]

Issues with Grid

On the Site Dev page, there were two posts. One had a decently sized excerpt, one was basically nothing. They did not match size.

I fixed this by using h-full on the PostCard.

This caused the rows to smash into each other and there was no breathing space after the posts. I added lg:gap-y-2 lg:pb-4 on the PostContainer to fix this.


Photo by Hisham Zayadnh (@hisham_zayadnh) on Unsplash

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