A dark mode snapshot of code from the site

Syntax Highlighting

I had implemented syntax highlighting with Gatsby in a test project already. Not only in the Skillthrive course, but I experimented and wrote everything up in Creating a Code System for Gatsby.


  • installed mdx-utils as the rest of the Mdx stuff was already there
  • created language-tabs.css inside of styles folder
  • create an App component for all layout.css code
  • tried to add language-tabs to global.css with @language-tabs; at the end but gave up
  • modified CodeElements to use twin.macro


Since I'm already doing some wrapRootElement, I'm finding it not obvious how to add more to it. My initial attempts resulted in a blank web site.

  • Copy button for code is appearing in the header! (forgot code-layout.css)
  • Copy button looks okay in dark mode but not so much in light mode
  • Dark mode filenames look good but it should probably be teal, hopefully something like that can be done in light mode. Light teal background with black text?
  • font-size of 1rem look rather large. 0.9rem is looking better…maybe even 0.8rem?

Changes for KoaMar Site

  • .highlight-line is some border color that is not really specified. The rest of the highlight works with the nightOwl theme

Used Raycast to toss up some syntax for the cover image!

Built with Gatsby from 2020 thru 2025 (and beyond?!)