A neon sign that reads WE CAN BE HEROES JUST FOR ONE DAY

New Hero

This implementation happened in Gatsby 2 days.


There was a bunch of placeholder text in the Hero component. I read an article on DEV that walked through creating a responsive header in Tailwind CSS.

I decided to use this technique, with the Moog Modular picture that I've got as a default.

I had already mocked this up and mostly just copied the code over as-is. The colors were not correct and since it was a different font face in the mock-up, I had to adjust the font-size a bit.

Image Component

During the upgrade to Gatsby 4, I removed the Image component. It is much easier to just create a static image component on the page that is using it with Gatsby 4. Jump to Static Image Component to view this.

I felt so impressed with myself (at the time!). I looked at the built-in image.js file that comes with the Gatsby starter kit and wondered how I could use that as a component for any image. It didn't seem that possible unless you were passing image related data in through pageContext (as I did with the section coverImages). A quick search lead me to a question by Wes Bos! Who else is on this thread but LekoArts, Kyle Mathews, and someone new to me, Baptiste Firket. Between Wes' idea and Baptiste's solution, I was able to convert image.js into my Image.js file.

1import * as React from 'react'
2import { StaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby'
3import Img from 'gatsby-image'
5export const Image = ({
6 fileName = 'steve-harvey-xWiXi6wRLGo-unsplash.jpg',
7 ...rest
8}) => (
9 <StaticQuery
10 query={graphql`
11 query {
12 allImageSharp {
13 edges {
14 node {
15 fluid(maxWidth: 2400) {
16 ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid
17 originalName
18 }
19 }
20 }
21 }
22 }
23 `}
24 render={(data) => {
25 const image = data.allImageSharp.edges.find(
26 (edge) => edge.node.fluid.originalName === fileName
27 )
28 if (!image) {
29 return null
30 }
31 return <Img fluid={image.node.fluid} {...rest} />
32 }}
33 />

I also wanted to be able to pass in a maxWidth but I couldn't see a way to do that and it really wasn't that important to me. In fact, I just took that out!


I started with the primary Sharks colors for the background. They seemed a bit bright.

Hero image with Sharks orange background and black text that says Lifelong learner, musician, retired guy, some sort of coding type

Hero image with Sharks teal background and white text that says Lifelong learner, musician, retired guy, some sort of coding type

I decided to try this branded surface idea. For dark mode, this is a real thing I believe. I did not do anything official, just tossed my primary colors into Convert a Color, lowered the lightness to 6% and I got a decent really dark teal. I did this for the Sharks orange color too and got a nice dark orange but that doesn't make sense for light mode. I tried 80% instead and got a very light orange.

Hero image with a lighter version of Sharks orange background and black text that says Lifelong learner, musician, retired guy, some sort of coding type

Hero image with a darker version of Sharks teal background and white text that says Lifelong learner, musician, retired guy, some sort of coding type

I'm really not sure which one I like better. I almost like the light orange and the original Sharks Teal best! Hmm, I can do that with Tailwind even though I'm using CSS variables.

1<div className='bg-brandedSurface dark:bg-opposite relative h-64 m-0 overflow-hidden rounded-lg'>

Color Values

1#007889 - Sharks Teal
2#f4901e - Sharks Orange
4#111a1c - Original branded surface dark mode
5rgba(244, 144, 30, 0.9) - Original branded surface light mode
7#001B1F - dark mode branded surface, 6% lightness
8#facf9e - light mode branded surface, 80% lightness
10#1D1001 - light mode, 6% luminosity, useful for code title background

Static Image Component

1const Moog = () => (
2 <StaticImage
3 src='../images/steve-harvey-xWiXi6wRLGo-unsplash.jpg'
4 alt='MOOG Modular Synthesizer - photo by Steve Harvey @ Unsplash'
5 className='object-cover h-full min-w-full'
6 />

Photo by Gabriel Bassino (@gabrielbassino) on Unsplash

Built with Gatsby from 2020 thru 2025 (and beyond?!)