Yellow chains overlaying a dark blue-green background.

Internal Links


At this point, I wrote the first site post. After it was done, I wanted a link to it on the main page so someone could find it (you know, the mythical person that is waiting for updates on this site with baited breath). I had a nice component for external links but it wouldn't do to open a new tab on an internal link. Now, I'm afraid I have ExternalLink, MarkdownLink, and InternalLink. I rather believe MarkdownLink does it all but I'm not comfortable using it yet. It has a warning about not having any content in the link.


Wouldn't I just copy and paste the ExternalLink into a new InternalLink component? Yes. The look is the same, which makes me think there is more refactoring to do…not just yet though.


Photo by Fré Sonneveld (@fresonneveld) on Unsplash

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