A drawing of a person with short dark hair, long dark pants, and a purple shirt standing between the Gatsby logo and the word Gatsby

Update Gatsby 2 to 4

After watching the GatsbyConf 2022 presentation Upgrading from Gatsby 2 to Gatsby 4—It's About Time, I don't feel much more ready but I'm ready to try again. One thing I noticed is Khaled never did clear out node_modules.

Initial run of npm outdated

Everything is Green under Wanted but going for Latest!


Update all the things

npm update --save is not working for me like yarn upgrade did in the video. I expected everything to magically change to the newest versions. It's probably better in the long run. I headed back to the official Gatsby site migration articles.

1git checkout -b update-to-gatsby-4
2npm install gatsby@latest --legacy-peer-deps # to 4.10.0
3npm install gatsby-image@latest # not a thing to do anymore!

What changed?

  • gatsby is now 4.10.0 but that is it, with or without the --legacy-peer-deps flag
  • gatsby-image is deprecated and I should be using gatsby-plugin-image

Migrate gatsby-image to gatsby-plugin-image

Again, off to the official documentation for this. This is the usual install, configure Gatsby plugin pattern with an added running of the codemod. That is new to me!

1npm install gatsby-plugin-image gatsby-plugin-sharp@latest gatsby-transformer-sharp@latest --legacy-peer-deps

Configure Plugins

1module.exports = {
2 plugins: [
3 `gatsby-plugin-image`,
4 `gatsby-plugin-sharp`,
5 `gatsby-transformer-sharp`,
6 ],

Run the codemod

1npx gatsby-codemods gatsby-plugin-image <optional-path>

Message received (codemod)

It appears you're passing a variable to your image component. We haven't changed it, but we have updated it to use the new GatsbyImage component. Please check src/components/CoverImage.js manually.

Lots of little things and I'm not sure if any of them worked. Mainly replacing fluid { ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid} with gatsbyImageData(layout: FULL_WIDTH) in graphql and then in how it is being used by GatsbyImage component, which automatically replaced Img component from old gatsby-image.

In Image, I had originalName in the fluid {} and I just tried moving it out since I needed it. That's not going to work I bet!

I was able to use StaticImage instead.

Manual Changes (codemod)

Not sure if I have any of this, if so, check the site

  • Images using static query
  • If using src for an SEO component, use getSrc

Finishing up migration

Uninstall gatsby-image as it is no longer used. It is mentioned in a post but that's okay.

1npm uninstall gatsby-image

All the changes, if any, to npm packages. I ran them all manually one at a time.

1npm install gatsby-plugin-google-fonts@latest # no update
2npm install gatsby-plugin-manifest@latest # to 4.10.0
3npm install gatsby-plugin-mdx@latest # to 3.10.0
4npm install gatsby-plugin-offline@latest # to 5.10.0
5npm install gatsby-plugin-postcss@latest # to 5.10.0
6npm install gatsby-plugin-react-helmet@latest # to 5.10.0
7npm install gatsby-plugin-styled-components@latest # to 5.10.0
8npm install gatsby-remark-images@latest # to 6.10.0
9npm install gatsby-source-filesystem@latest # to 4.10.0
10npm install mdx-utils@latest # no update
11npm install @mdx-js/mdx@latest --legacy-peer-deps # to 2.1.0 (gatsby-plugin-mdx requires v1)
12npm install @mdx-js/react@latest --legacy-peer-deps # to 2.1.0 (gatsby-plugin-mdx requires v1)
13npm install @tailwindcss@latest # to 3.0.23
14npm install autoprefixer@latest # to 10.4.4
15npm install styled-components@latest # to 5.3.3
16npm install babel-plugin-styled-components@latest # to 2.0.6
17npm install postcss@latest # to 8.4.12
18npm install react@latest # to 17.0.2
19npm install react-dom@latest # to 17.0.2
20npm install prism-react-renderer@latest # to 1.3.1
21npm install prop-types@latest # to 15.8.1
22npm install react-headroom@latest # to 3.2.0
23npm install react-helmet@latest # no update
24npm install react-live@latest # to 2.4.1
25npm install twin.macro@latest # to 2.8.2
26npm install prettier@latest # to 2.6.0

I had to rollback @mdx-js/mdx and @mdx-js/react because gatsby-plugin-mdx requires v1 of those.

Somehow, everything is working?

Yes, yes, I'm shocked! Besides all the npm installs, here's what I did.

  • Removed gatsby-plugin-image from gatsby-config.js

  • Changed purge to content in tailwind.config.js

  • Removed Image component as it was only used in Hero component / Removed from components/index.js

  • Created a Moog component that displays the main cover image inside of the Hero component

Hero.js excerpt
1import { StaticImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image'
3const Moog = () => (
4 <StaticImage
5 src='../images/steve-harvey-xWiXi6wRLGo-unsplash.jpg'
6 alt='MOOG Modular Synthesizer - photo by Steve Harvey @ Unsplash'
7 className='object-cover h-full min-w-full'
8 />
  • Removed absolute in Img when converting to GatsbyImage in PostCard component

Final gatsby-image updates

In: CoverImage.js, PostCard.js, single-post.js

  • Convert from Img in gatsby-image to GatsbyImage in gatsby-plugin-image
1-fluid {
2- ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid
4+gatsbyImageData(layout: FULL_WIDTH)
6-<Img fluid=
7+<GatsbyImage image=
9// In GraphQL
10childImageSharp {
11- fluid {
12- ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid
13- }
14+ gatsbyImageData(layout: FULL_WIDTH)

Final npm outdated run

These are fine, as mentioned previously, v1 is required by gatsby-plugin-mdx


Everything worked locally, but...

When the Github Action ran, it failed! The error related to styled-components.

Can't resolve 'react-is' in '/home/runner/work/koamar.com/koamar.com/node_modules/styled-components/dist'

According to the styled-components FAQ, styled-components now requires react-is@^16.8 (or higher hopefully). I updated that and started building again. That time, it was successful.

Local vs. Github

This all worked locally. I of course tested in gatsby develop but also with gatsby build. I never saw an error related to styled-components!


Image by unDraw

Built with Gatsby from 2020 thru 2025 (and beyond?!)