A stylish man wearing glasses on a cell phone

Finish Global Styles

Now that there is some content, it is easy to see the deficiencies in the Global Styles.

Went through Skillthrive code and made use of CSS in TypographyElement component and PostElement component.

Found out about using comma delimited numbers for rgb so you can alter opacity in a theme.

Control Opacity in Theme

It's a little bit of duplication but:

  1. Create a css variable that is a comma delimited set of numbers for your color (i.e. 0, 120, 137 — Shark's Teal)
  2. Now, you can use this variable and control opacity using rgba
  3. You can also set a variable for opacity per theme. Shark's Teal looks best at 0.5, Shark's Orange at 0.7 for code type text
  4. Even though this isn't being used in the KoaMar site, the primary color with code opacity works great for table header.
1--primary-rgb: 0, 120, 137;
2--code-opacity: 0.5;
4background-color: rgba(var(--primary-rgb), .5);
5background-color: rgba(var(--primary-rgb), var(--code-opacity);

More content too!

Added lots of samples to first-fake

Was able to get outline styles to work in Mdx to one level. That's nice! It doesn't work in Notion 😉1

Added some extras like footnotes and definitions as well.


Photo by Oscar Obians (@prowhiz) on Unsplash

  1. Look at the date, perhaps Notion does this now!
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