Featured Posts

Much like the prior feature where I implemented most recent posts, I was hopeful to reuse something! I figured it would look the same but have a different header and be a slightly different query and that's it. Hrm, can I even reuse most recent posts to do this?

Looking at the main landing page, index.js, I saw that the concept of most recent posts is baked right into there. The concept I envisioned was exactly the same except I wanted to look into the frontmatter and pick out only posts with featured: true. Then sort those by most recent just like the most recent query.

Here's my plan.

  • Create a MostRecentPosts component and move everything into it, keeping Posts as a separate component.
  • Create a FeaturedPosts component which is a copy of MostRecentPosts, make the change for featured, and it should work.
  • Combine both queries into a single component (named what? Names are hard!)
    • FrontPagePosts
  • Add a graphql variable for featured (bool)
  • Call the Posts component with featured = false for most recent
  • Call the Posts component with featured = true for featured posts

Create MostRecentPosts component

This should just work yes? No! You can't put graphql queries inside of pages that aren't getting created by Gatsby. Yes, that's how little I still know about Gatsby!

Duplicate code!

Yes, finally, I get to copy and paste! I copy that whole graphql query so I have two queries on the main page. One is aliased with mostRecent and one is featured. Now I get two data sources for my landing page.

Landing page excerpt
1const IndexPage = ({ data }) => {
2 const recentPosts = data.mostRecent.edges
3 const featuredPosts = data.featured.edges
5 // later, they are displayed using the Posts component
6 <h2>Featured posts</h2>
7 <Posts posts={featuredPosts} />
8 <h2>Most recent posts</h2>
9 <Posts posts={recentPosts} />
10 //...

Now what?

It works! Yes, there's a whole bunch of duplicate code. The whole query is duplicated minus one variable! So, how do I add a variable $featured that can be used in one query but not the other?

Add the featuredOnly variable

If you pop open GraphiQL (http://localhost:8000/___graphql), you can experiment! I know enough that to add a variable, you place it in the query function name. Looks like a function! Then later, you can use it in your query.

1query Posts($featuredOnly: Boolean) {
2 featured: allMdx(
3 sort: {fields: [frontmatter___date], order: [DESC]}
4 filter: {frontmatter: {name: {eq: null}, draft: {eq: false}, featured: {eq: $featuredOnly}}}
5 limit: 6
6 ) {
7 ...

My hope is that if I pass true I get the featured posts. If I pass null I get the most recent posts (that can include feature posts!).
featuredOnly = true returns only (up to) 6 featured posts
featuredOnly = null returns up to 6 posts featured or not (this leaves out the featured post)

But, if I just leave out the variable...
✅ leaving out featuredOnly returns up to 6 posts featured or not

So, instead of passing null, I just have to leave it out.

Implement it in code!

Now I'm at a loss. I'm looking but not finding. Searching but not seeing. Blah blah but not uh-huh! I just want to know the syntax to pass { featuredOnly: true } into the query and use the same query. I tried a few things but given that the landing page is not being created as a page by Gatsby, I'm not sure what to do. Duplicate code for the win! Maybe that's why the horse is so happy!1


Photo by Gary J Stearman (@picgaz_photography) on Unsplash

I have no idea what this picture has to do with "featured post" but it made me laugh!

  1. If I ever change the cover picture for this post, that's going to be a confusing sentence!
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