Motorcycle riding down a street with graffiti in the background

Motorcycle Driving Past Your House

Almost two years ago on Oct 20, 2020, a motorcycle drove past my house. It was loud and I heard it through the closed windows. It sounded like this. Seriously! Simple melody with dynamics like a motorcycle passing by It was quite loud and normally, I would have been a bit aggravated by this. Living next to a somewhat busy street (even though it is a 25 MPH residential school zone), the cars normally sound like the waves in the ocean as they drive by. But once in a while, they do not! This day, my mind was feeling more creative and less aggravated. Perhaps the muse was driving the motorcycle? I decided, this would make a nice peaceful Latin tune.

Originally, the motorcycle was in the key of Amin. Okay, it could have been C but it felt minor to me! To make it a bit of a nicer key for for my alto sax playing wife, I put it into Fmin. It's still not a great key but that's where I left it. It still has the gravitas of the motorcycle.

I'm no Latin jazz expert but I consulted one. Based on how I thought it should be played, it is a Cha. I asked, "Cha-Cha?" and he said, "Well, sure, but it's a Cha." This is the groove for the rhythm player (piano or guitar) and bass.

Here are some charts. See if it sounds like a motorcycle driving past your house!

Download PDF - C version

Download PDF - B version

Download PDF - E version


My oh so glorious attempt at rendering music using abc in React as in Music Notation Test doesn't seem to work when there are multiple abc blocks. They continually overwrite the first block. Hence, the screen shot in Finale for the source material example and abc for the groove example.


Photo by Harley Davidson (@harleydavidson) on Unsplash

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